Tribal Operations
APR 7 1999
Ms. Scott Kayla Morrison
Attomey at Law
4048 East Monte Vista Road
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Dear Ms. Morrison:
This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act request dated March 16, 1999, in which you seek the following:
1. Approval of the judges appointed to the Choctaw Court of Indian Appeals from 1990 to present.
2. Request from the Choctaw Nation for approval of judges to the Choctaw Court of Indian Appeals from 1990 to present.
A complete and thorough search of the Muskogee Area Office Tribal Operations records has been made and no records were found that are responsive to your request. The finding of no records may be treated as a denial and may be appealed pursuant to 43 CFR 2.18.
You may appeal this response by writing to the Freedom of Information Act Appeals Officer, Office of the Information Resources Management (OIRM), U. S. Department of the Interior, 1849 "C" Street, N.W., MS-5312, MIB, Washington, D.C. 20240. Your appeal must be received no later than 20 workdays after the date of this letter. The appeal should be marked, both on the envelope and the face of the appeal letter, with the legend "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION APPEAL." Your appeal should be accompanied by a copy of your original request and this letter, along with any information you have which leads you to believe the records do in fact exist, including where they might be found, if the location is known to you. The Area FOIA Coordinator, Mrs. Julie Kelley, and the Tulsa Field Solicitor's office designated FOIA Attomey, Ms. Kathleen Supernaw, have been consulted in this matter and concur in the result.