
A Council Bill Regulating Political Activities on the Council Grounds at Tuskahoma



Be it enacted by the Tribal Council of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma that political activities on the council grounds at Tuskahoma shall be governed by this act as follows:

I. Any person, g" of persons or organization desiring to engage in political activity or advocacy for a
particular cause shall:

(a) On or before August 15, each year, register with and obtain a one year permit to do so from the Labor Day Festival Committee (Committee);

(b) Be assigned an area on an as available basis, not to exceed ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet in size;

(c) Confine all political activities, including distribution of literature and materials, campaigning or other advocacy to the assigned area;

(d) Refrain from engaging in loud or offensive conduct which disturbs the peace of other persons on the council grounds.

(e) Display the permit at all times on the assigned area when it is in use;

(f Keep the assigned area clean and free of litter and debris; and

(g) Obey all laws of the Choctaw Nation.

2. The committee, at its sole discretion, shall determine the location of assigned areas.

3. The committee may, for good cause, deny or revoke any permit and may, at its discretion, waive the
deadline in paragraph I (a).

4. No permit shall be granted to any person, group of persons or organization for the purpose of dissemination of indecent or pornographic information.

Failure to comply with the provisions of this act shall constitute a crime punishable by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days and/or a fine not to exceed $500.

Done this the 13th day of July, 1996.


I, the undersigned, as Speaker of the Tribal Council of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, do hereby certify that the Tribal Council is composed of twelve (12) seats. Eight (8) members must be present to constitute a quorum. I further certify that ELEVEN (11) members answered roll call and that a quorum was present at the REGULAR Session of the Tribal Council at Tuskahoma, Oklahoma, on JULY 13, 1996. I further certify that the foregoing Council Bill CB-113-96 was adopted at such meeting by an affirmative vote of ELEVEN (11) members, ZERO (0) negative votes and ZERO (0) abstaining.
